Ernie Stevens, Gymnastic Coach

It was the 1977-78 school year, and as a physical education major was prone to do, I was walking through Johnson Gym. Coach Ernie Stevens said, “Esther, you’re gonna love this book,” and he handed me a paper back copy of In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. Little did he know how that little book would affect my life and my calling.

In college I loved Jesus and years ago had made a decision to live for Him, but as I read that book, I was confronted with another level of discipleship, taking me to a deeper demonstration of my love for Jesus. As I read, I wept as I reflected on the sincere but hurried moments I’d spent with Jesus.

A life changing decision came about when I reflected on the question, “What would Jesus do?” in relation to a Summer job interview that I had turned down.

I reconnected with the interviewer and was hired. (See ACTeam below.)

At my request, the Andrews bookstore ordered 50 copies of the book, then another 50 copies because I was sending my friends to buy the book and participate in a discipleship journey with me.


Dan Kline, Coach and Teacher


Gymnics, A Family